

My good lady wife, ladies and gentlemen, makes her first appearance on my blog.
I do apologise that it’s been 6 days since my last post. I shall give myself a stern finger wagging and promise not to let it happen again.
This was only taken as a test shot while I was trying out the “Picture Styles” on my Canon 30D. I now have the three User Presets set as all Monochrome, each with a different colour filter. I find it not just shows how the shot would look in black and white, (Thanks for the tip Pete ;)) but also, with it taking the colour out, it allows me to quickly spot highlights, shadows and tonal ranges in a shot. Something I still struggle with, in “real life” (IE with my own eyes)

Exif : Canon 30D .. 50mm .. f1.8 .. 1/50sec .. ISO 500

A dreamy look

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