

I had an idea in mind when I shot this, which completely changed when I cam to process it.
After processing the RAW file in Lightroom, I then opened it up in Photoshop CS3, adjusting the contrast and tones with curves layers, then added a slight vignetting. I then desaturated it quite a bit to tone down the yellow jacket and the red box, then added a toned colour layer, then used a layer mask to bring the jacket and the box ‘through’.
Why did I process it like this? I suppose I could try and waffle my way through it by saying it was to draw attention to the muted blue tones in the scene, highlighting the jacket and the box, inviting the viewer to think about the impending fishing trip and feel cold as a result of the overall toning.

Or I could just be honest and say “I have absolutely no idea” 😀

Details : 33mm * 1/60sec * f/5.6 * ISO-200

Ice Cream

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