

Well, they’re *supposed* to be a healthy bean for human consumption, believed to raise levels of some good stuff in your body. I will admit to falling for the “You Are What You Eat” regime as offered by Gillian McKeith, of Channel 4 fame, and buying some of the infamous aduki beans last year. Well, they never got eaten, and to be honest, neither did the Quinoa.

Being an 18 stone fatty myself, I won’t lie to you and told you I ate them, nor will I profess to being on a diet.

However, they did serve a purpose…a photograph for my daily photo challenge.
After trying another couple of shots today, one which was too similar to another one I saw (and will admit to getting the inspiration from), and one just didnt turn out as I’d planned; I was wandering around my kitchen, looking in cupboards for subjects, when I spotted a box of quinoa and a bag of aduki beans, just sitting there all lonely. A quick glance at my cooking apron hung up, and I (not sure how), had a flash of inspiration.

After a few tries with simple overhead lighting, and a few with bounced or reflected flash, I settled on a simple bit of torchlight, shone through an upturned glass (Ikea), which was actually raised and balanced on a big box of 3 x 240 unit packets of Tetley tea bags (thanks to Costco for those!).
Anyway, this didnt actually turn out as well as I’d hoped, but it’s too late to shoot anything else now, so I shall have to bear my soul and display all for whatever mockery and laughs that may come my way 😀

Until tomorrow!

PS. If you’re wondering, why ‘3’…’s day three of my photo blog. 🙂

Aduki beans – They have a purpose!

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  1. J0NESY said:


  2. Natalya (talj) said:

    Interesting subject, story and it took me a second to work out the 3! (YesI know oh dear!) 🙂